Lockdown 2020

Dear Readers,

It’s been a while since I last wrote a blog post and to be honest, I thought I’d be blogging throughout lockdown, but time went quickly for me, and it felt good to be away from the computer.

Well, what a crazy few months/year it’s been! Coronavirus has totally re-written our lives!! All was going well before lockdown, we were very lucky to do Terry’s surprise 30th meal, so it was nice that we managed to see our friends before all this happened! Anyway, I was only anxious for the first bit of lockdown as Terry was still going to work and the infection rates were high! Luckily Terry’s company closed for the duration and we spent the whole of lockdown together - we loved it!

I did find it very difficult not seeing my Mum weekly, but we kept in touch via FaceTime and we did go and see her and socially-distanced in her garden after a month of lockdown. Probably shouldn’t have done, but like many on their own, lockdown was pretty tough for her and we wanted to make sure she was doing okay.

For high-risk people, such as myself, we were supposed to stay in all day and not leave the house. However, me being me, I did go out first thing in the morning for the once-a-day daily exercise to walk Izzy. Being stuck indoors is incredibly difficult, so getting some air did me good, both physically and mentally. We didn’t go to any shops during lockdown and all our food was delivered!

I can’t believe where the months have gone and it’s so sad that so many exciting events have been cancelled. We were gutted we couldn’t go on our holiday to Ibiza - luckily we got a full refund, and it’s been so difficult for our friends who were supposed to have got married this year. Talking of friends, we all kept in touch via Zoom weekly doing online quizzes, escape rooms and games - it was a good laugh and something to look forward to each week! I also had a hospital consultation cancelled, but we did it over video instead and it went well, so I’m pleased. I’m hoping to go into The Royal Brompton next month for all the usual tests and scans, as it’s been a year since I last had them done, so they’re definitely overdue!

My teaching work was affected quite badly, I decided to stop work earlier - a couple of weeks before lockdown, because I couldn’t risk people coming into my home from all work environments. I was very sad about this, but I managed to continue some lessons online via Zoom. It felt weird teaching them via video, but somehow it worked and I am ever so grateful I could continue doing some work during lockdown.

Not only did I teach my students, but I also offered my music teaching services to those with PH. It was wonderful teaching them and meeting new PH’ers. For many it was a new hobby, some I have heard have continued playing the piano, but it also gave them something to focus on during this difficult time. Donations for these lessons were given to the PHA UK - I was delighted to have raised £273.75 for them!

For the first part of lockdown I was pretty unwell because my iron infusion was cancelled. Luckily the team moved to another hospital that was Covid-free and I managed to get it done in June. It wasn’t easy as I was so poorly and it took me two visits to finally get a needle into my poor veins! Once I started feeling better, I got the urge to buy an electric bike. I absolutely love it and there is definitely no way I’d even consider riding a bike if it wasn’t electric. I only cycle on days I'm feeling well and as soon as we're home, I rest up and get on my O2!


Overall lockdown hasn't been too bad! Would it have been different if I was on my own?! Yes most likely, but I’ve spent more time than ever with Terry and Izzy, we celebrated our 3rd Wedding Anniversary with a Chinese takeaway, I’ve had a much needed rest from work and I've taken a lot of "me" time. Yes, we've missed meeting up with our friends, going shopping and going on date nights, but we all had to do our bit to keep safe. We knew everyone was in the same boat and we were all going through it together.

Now lockdown is pretty much over, Terry is back to work and I’m looking forward to getting back to teaching face-to-face in October - with all the safety measures in place. We did take part in the Eat Out, To Help Out scheme and it was good to get back to some normality. All restaurants are clean, careful and follow the socially-distancing guidelines. Terry and I felt safe eating out and if I need to go out, I wear a face shield and carry a mask exempt notice. Unfortunately I find it so difficult to wear a mask due to my breathing problems - my lips go blue and my breathing is really laboured!

I know life is going to be very different now on as the Coronavirus isn’t going to go away. I am a bit nervous about Winter coming, as I'm so vulnerable to coughs and colds. However, I'm still staying in a lot of the time so I will hopefully avoid these and keep well. At least my flu jab is all booked in for next month! 

I can't wait for what is yet to come - the celebrations, weddings, holidays and seeing our loved ones. I’m looking forward to all our exciting plans and doing them in a safe and social-distanced way. One of them being my 30th birthday - Terry and I have booked a staycation in Bath, so fingers crossed for no local lockdowns in November! I'll just leave you with the PH lockdown video that I created, UK PHighter's Don't Rush Challenge, enjoy! 

Thanks for reading! Take care, keep safe and well! πŸ’œ